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Combi Coils Eco

The combined system of this flywheel-producer results in a loading and unloading of energy, produced by various traditional or alternative sources, either directly or indirectly via fixed exchangers inside the flywheel which act as collectors. From the flywheel it is drawn the hot water to feed the different types of heating system: high temperature if sampling takes place at the top, or at low temperature (for radiant soils installations) if it picks up water from the bottom. Throughout this system is part of the flywheel the corrugated stainless steel pipe for semirapida domestic hot water.
Other products
Automatic and control systems for energy saving
Cabin Units
Complete solar systems for house heating (under development)
Cooling and heating
Direct Flow CPC Vacuum Solar Collector
Ducts Class A, B, C, E, F (NORSOK)
Extractable elements
Fan and fan skid arrangements
Flat Solar Thermal Collector
Galley Extract Units
High Efficiency Louvers
Horizontal Storage
HVAC Units
Kettles with Double Fixed spiral
Measuring stations
Portable Hvac Container
Solar Package Domestic Hot water
Solar Package Domestic Hot water
Sound attenuators
Tank In Tank
Water / Airflow measurements